  • Common name:

    Black pond turtle
  • ESF category:

  • IUCN category:

  • CITES:

    INT - Appendix I
    EU - Appendix A
  • Registered animals:

    • Common name:

      Black pond turtle
    • ESF category:

    • IUCN category:

    • CITES:

      INT - Appendix I
      EU - Appendix A
    • Registered animals:

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      Internal Server Error

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    • Studbook coordinators:

      Mr Harry Rotmans
    • Register your animals

      To register your animals or if you have other questions, please contact the studbook coordinator.

    Species Description

    Geoclemys hamiltonii also know as Black pond turtle is mainly black with small yellowish spots, and a much-elevated carapace, with three interrupted keels or series of nodose prominences corresponding to the vertebral and costal shields. The posterior border of the carapace is strongly serrated in young, but feebly in the adult. The nuchal is moderate, broader posteriorly than anteriorly. The first vertebral is not or scarcely broader anteriorly than posteriorly. The second and third vertebrals are broader than long in the young, nearly as long as broad in the adult, narrower than the costals. The plastron is large, angulate laterally, truncate anteriorly. The posterior lobe of the plastron is much narrower than the opening of the shell, nearly as long as the width of the bridge, deeply notched posteriorly. The head is rather large. The snout is very short, not projecting. The upper jaw is emarginated mesially. The width of the mandible at the symphysis nearly equals the horizontal diameter of the orbit. A large shield covers the upper surface of the snout and the crown, sometimes divided into three, one shield around the upper jaw and one on each side between the eye and the ear. The digits are webbed to the claws. The tail is extremely short. The shell is dark brown or blackish, elegantly marked with yellow spots and radiating streaks, and the soft parts are dark brown or blackish, with round yellow spots, largest on the head and neck.
