Common name:
Radiated tortoiseESF category:
AIUCN category:
Critical endangeredCITES:
INT - Appendix I
EU - Appendix ARegistered animals:
26Studbook coordinators:
Didier Laurent
Laurens Woldring
Harrie Hensgens
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Species Description
The radiated tortoise (Astrochelys radiata) is a species in the family Testudinidae. Although this species is native to and most abundant in southern Madagascar, it can also be found in the rest of this island, and has been introduced to the islands of RĂ©union and Mauritius. It is a very long-lived species, with recorded lifespans of at least 188 years. These tortoises are classified as Critically Endangered by the IUCN, mainly because of the destruction of their habitat and because of poaching.