The Studbook keepersday 2010 will take place Saturday November 6 in Blijdorp Zoo Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Also this year studbook participants are very welcome. On behalf of the organisation the participants are asked to apply themselves timely before that day.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Just like last year the ESF Studbook keepers day will be held at Rotterdam Zoo Diergaarde Blijdorp. This year we hope to see everybody on November 6. 2010.
Blijdorp offers ESF the use of the "Klipklas", situated in the Oceanium building.
The entrance to the Klipklas is the door right to the entrance of the Oceanium building, opposite to the puffin and auk enclosure. Notify the people at the zoo entrance you come for the studbook keepers day in the Oceanium building and bring this invitation.
The programme for the day looks as follows:
Starting ± 09:45 Coffee.
10:00 - 11:00 Studbook Cordylus giganteus by Fraser Gilchrist
11:00 - 11:45 Communication between board, studbook keepers and studbook participants by Alexander Bakker
11:45 - 13:15 Break (possibility to visit the zoo)
13.15 - 13:30 Room for questions/discussion following the talk on communication
13:30 - 14:00 ESF contribution to the Mauritius gecko breeding programme by Henk Zwartepoorte
14:00 - 15:00 The spotted turtle Clemmys guttata by Ruben Lybaert
15:00 - 16:00 The Chinese crocodile lizard Shinisaurus crococilurus in-situ en ex-situ by Michael Zollweg
At the switch of each speaker there will be 5 to 10 minute break. Afterwards there is room to stay for a while and meet others. Of course this time can also be utilised to visit the zoo.
Financially ESF is only a very small organisation. The entrance to the zoo is free. Coffee is available for only 50 cents. Other drinks, food and (if needed) the parking fee for your car are at your own expense.
For us to prepare everything we would appreciate it if you let us know you are coming before October 20th. In an earlier stage some of you told us you would like to bring some (serious) participants of your studbooks, please subscribe these people too. Notify us on:
Kind regards, we hope to see you November 6.!